
To turn on lyrics, choose Show Lyrics in the Lyrics menu.

On track change, it will search in iTunes for lyrics. If there are no lyrics there, it searches for lyrics on the internet. To have the lyrics automatically saved in iTunes (embedded in the track), check for "Save lyrics in iTunes automatically" in Preferences.

The lyrics will be presented on the jewel case or in a separate window according to what is chosen in the Lyrics menu.

Search for lyrics with Google
if there are no lyrics avaiable, it can search for lyrics with Google in your default browser. Choose "Search for Lyrics with Google…" in the Lyrics menu, or you can click on the "Google" button in the separate lyrics window. The lyrics can be copied from the browser and pasted into the separate lyrics window. You must click on the "Save" button to save the lyrics in iTunes after the lyrics are pasted into the window.